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Red Revolution Aphrodite Remote


The Aphrodite remote vibrators are made for clitoral and body stimulation. They increase your pleasure by strong vibrations. In addition, they improve your sexual creativity by their versatility.

Mindnight Magic Black Butterfly G


Mindnight Magic Black Butterfly G  is a vibrating stimulator .

Its smooth silicone texture and soft curved shape adapts for simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and the G spot simultaneously.

The Black Butterfly G benefits from 12 available vibration modes.

Black Butterfly G is ergonomic, made of surgical silicone and phthalate-free ABS plastic and rechargeable via USB.

Satisfyer Sexy Secret Panty Vibrator


Thanks to its magnetic clip, the Secret Panty can be easily attached to your panties.

Attach the magnet to the outside of the panty and put the vibrator inside: the magnet holds everything in place.

Connect your gadget to the free Satisfyer app and let the fun begin !